Alethea Barlowe
Klamath Tribes
Bridge Pathway Manager, NNACoE
Alethea was born and raised in Klamath County on the homelands of the Klamath Tribal people. She completed her bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and psychology from Western Oregon University, and a master’s degree Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education from University of Oregon (Sapsik’wala Graduate!) . Alethea returned home to work with tribal youth in 2011 and started working for OHSU in 2019 as the Program Coordinator for On Track OHSU! Klamath. She is excited to start this new role with NNACoE as the Bridge Pathway Manager and to continue offering support to tribal youth and showing them these pathways into healthcare. Alethea is excited about the initiatives that NNACoE is doing to provide space for our tribal people at OHSU. In her spare time, Alethea is supporting her children in their sports, interests, and activities. She also spends time working on the MMIP initiatives with the Klamath Tribes.