Our Publications
Text “HEALER”: Using Text Mentorship to Engage American Indians and Alaska Natives Interested in the Health Professions
Vasquez Guzman, Cirila Estela PhD, MCR; Fernandez, Jasmine; Uh, Christina MS; Rushing, Stephanie Craig PhD, MPH; Donald, Caitlin MSW; Spector, Dove; Stephens, David BSN; Peterson, Roger; Taylor, Cynthia PhD; Pinela, Cristi PhD; Wistrom, Jeremiah MPA; Carney, Patricia A. PhD, MS; Brodt, Erik MD
2024, Academic Medicine
The Social Return on Investment in the Wy’east Post-Baccalaureate Pathway
Robert Whelan; Cristi Pinela, PhD; Erik Brodt, MD; Caitlin Donald, MSW; Amy Franco, MUPP; Jeremiah Wistrom, MPA; Cynthia Taylor, PHD; Candice Jimenez, MPH; Jessica Leston, MPH; & Elizabeth Coronado, JD
Measurement of American Indian and Alaska Native Racial Identity Among Medical School Applicants, Matriculants, and Graduates, 1996-2017
Erik Brodt, MD; Steele Valenzuela, MS; Allison Empey, MD; Amanda Bruegl, MD, MS; Dove Spector, BS; Miguel Marino, PhD; Patricia A. Carney, PhD, MS
2021, JAMA Network
Indigenous Faculty Forum: A Longitudinal Professional Development Program to Promote the Advancement of Indigenous Faculty in Academic Medicine
Erik Brodt; Amanda Bruegl; Marissa Fuqua Miller; Cynthia Taylor; Martina Kamaka; Dee-Ann Carpenter; Vanessa Wong; Patricia A Carney
Shifting the Tide: Innovative Strategies to Develop an American Indian/Alaska Native Physician Workforce
Erik Brodt; Allison Empey; Peter Mayinger; Marissa Fuqua Miller; Dove Spector; Rosa Frutos; Amanda Bruegl; Shoshana Zeisman-Pereyo; Polly Olsen; Patricia A Carney
Indigenizing Academics Through Leadership, Awareness, and Healing: The Impact of a Native American Health Seminar Series for Health Professionals, Students, and Community
Patricia A Carney; Cynthia Taylor; Rosa Frutos; Dove Spector; Erik Brodt
2019, Journal of Community Health
Addressing the Impacts of Racism on American Indian and Alaska Native Child Health
Andrea N. Garcia MD, MS; Allison Empey MD; Shaquita Bell MD
2024, Academic Pediatrics
Concerning trends in allopathic medical school faculty rank for Indigenous people: 2014-2016
Erik Brodt (Ojibwe); Amanda Bruegl (Oneida, Stockbridge-Munsee); Erin K Thayer; M Patrice Eiff; Kelly Gonzales (Cherokee); Carlos Crespo; Dove Spector (Nez Perce); Martina Kamaka (Native Hawaiian); Dee-Ann Carpenter (Native Hawaiian); Patricia A Carney
2018, Medical Education Online
Findings Associated With a Novel Program Designed to Support Indigenous Faculty Members of U.S. Health Professions Schools
Patricia A. Carney; Cynthia Taylor; Allison Empey; Dove Spector; Amanda Bruegl; Erik Brodt
2021, International Journal of Indigenous Health
Enhancing American Indians'/Alaska Natives' Knowledge, Confidence, and Community During the Medical School Application Process: Findings From the Northwest Native American Center of Excellence
Cirila Estela Vasquez Guzman; Cynthia Taylor; Anna Harris; Caitlin Donald; Patricia A Carney; Sarah Rasmussen-Rehkopf; Amanda Bruegl; Allison Empey; Laurel Murphy Hoffmann; Erik Brodt
2022, Academic Medicine
Representation of American Indian and Alaska Native Individuals in Academic Medical Training
Lala L. Forrest, BS; Brooks P. Leitner, BS; Cirila Estela Vasquez Guzman, PhD; Erik Brodt, MD; Charles A. Odonkor, MD, MA
2022, JAMA Network
Wy’east: An Innovative, Culturally Responsive Post-baccalaureate Pathway for American Indians and Alaska Natives
Empey, Allison MD; Zeisman-Pereyo, Shoshana EdD; Mayinger, Peter PhD; Zuckerman, Katharine E. MD, MPH; Rasmussen-Rehkopf, Sarah; Carney, Patricia A. PhD, MS; Taylor, Cynthia L. PhD; Morris, Cynthia PhD, MPH; Bruegl, Amanda MD, MS; Olsen, Polly; Brodt, Erik MD
2022, Academic Medicine
American Indians and Alaska Natives in the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Grave Burden We Stand to Bear
Erik Brodt, MD; Allison Empey, MD
2021, Health Equity
The Time is Now: Transforming Recruitment and Retention of American Indian and Alaska Native Medical Students Using the Medicine Wheel Model
Vasquez Guzman CE; Lewis M; Yancey D; Empey A; Metoxen M; Frutos R; Wescott S; Zeisman-Pereyo S; Valenzuela S; Uh CT; Carney PA; Warne D; Brodt E
2020, Journal of Health & Science Education