Anaïs Tuepker, PhD, MPH
Evaluation Lead and Research Council Member
Anaïs grew up in the Gulf South and the rural Midwest, and she has been putting down roots in Portland for the last two decades. She believes relationships are at the heart of how we craft our lives and make change in the world. An Assistant Professor of Family Medicine since 2022, she joined NNACoE in 2024 as the next step in her longstanding commitments to Indigenizing healthcare and creating better, more sustainable primary care for everyone in this country.
As a sociologist and health systems researcher, her work often takes place at the intersections of health professions education, primary care delivery, and community organizations. She is an activist for climate, environmental, and social justice, especially when activism can incorporate singing, poetry, and everyday joy. She is a devoted but definitely amateur gardener, learning more with every year’s harvest in the crowded SE Portland garden she tends with her husband Craig and the other sometime members of her household, who are her adult children, her parents, many birds, two neighbor cats, and the occasional raccoon or possum.