Cristi Pinela, MS, Ph.D
Rarámuri / Tarahumara
Assistant Director, Wy’east Medicine Pathway & Re-Imagine Indians Into Medicine (RISE)
Wy’east Medicine Faculty, Academic Skills & Wellness

Cristi grew up in the deserts of Arizona and higher deserts of Colorado. Her childhood was spent running around catching lizards and reading any book she could get her hands on. She completed her Master’s degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and her doctorate in Applied Developmental Psychology at Portland State University. Cristi’s career is focused on doing rigorous and impactful research and educational outreach that safeguards and extends the psychological health and wellbeing of people disadvantaged by structural and social inequities, complex trauma, neurodivergence, and mental health challenges. She is passionate about teaching and working with college students and brings this passion to her work at NNACoE. In addition to her role as Wy’east Assistant Director, Cristi teaches the Academic Skills & Wellness Thread in Wy'east. She still loves reading and catches the occasional garden snake, though she has added hiking and cycling to her outdoor forays.